Biology 10 Chapter 12 MCQs Test 3

In Biology 10 Chapter 12 MCQs Test 3, there are 15 MCQs. A total of 5 MCQs Tests are available from Chapter 12 of FBISE Class 10 Biology Book. We have prepared 58 multiple-choice questions, which are divided into five MCQs Tests.

MCQs Test No 3


Class 10 Biology
Chapter 12
Practice MCQs Test No 3

1 / 15

A connection between cerebellum and spinal cord is:

2 / 15

The largest part of the fore-brain that controls skeletal muscles, thinking, intelligence and emotions;

3 / 15

Female secondary sex characters are controlled by:

4 / 15

Which part of human body plays role in balancing the body:

5 / 15

Functional disorder of nervous system is:

6 / 15

Pairs of Spinal nerves are:

7 / 15

Rods and Cones are absent in:

8 / 15

Father of Optics is:

9 / 15

Under the influence of which hormone of pituitary gland throxine and calcitonin is produced?

10 / 15

The hormone calcitonin is secreted by:

11 / 15

Central nervous system consists of brain and:

12 / 15

Pairs of Cranial nerves are:

13 / 15

Lobe concerned with senses of hearing and smell:

14 / 15

Muscular ring farmed by choroid is:

15 / 15

This is not the part of hind brain:

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