Physics 10 Chapter 16 Practice Test 4

FBISE Physics Class 10 Chapter 16 Practice Test 4 contains a total of 11 Multiple Choice Questions, each MCQ has 4 options.

Chapter 16 MCQs Tests | Physics 10 MCQs Tests

Physics 10 Chapter 16 Practice Test 4


Class 10 Physics
Chapter 16
Practice MCQs Test 4

1 / 11

1. In Boolean Algebra 1 represents:

2 / 11

2. The logical operation, whose output will only be one if its all inputs are 1:

3 / 11

3. OR operation is just like _________ combinations of resistors:

4 / 11

4. AND operation is just like combinations of resistors:

5 / 11

5. OR operations is represented by:

6 / 11

6. The number of operations of Boolean algebra are:

7 / 11

7. George Boolean invented a special algebra known as algebra of logics or ________

8 / 11

8. AND operations is represented by:

9 / 11

9. In Boolean Algebra zero represents:

10 / 11

10. Boolean algebra operates with two logic states represented by two distinct voltage level.

11 / 11

11. The logical operation, whose output will only be zero if its all inputs are zero:

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