Chemistry 9 Past Papers 2013 MCQs Tests

Federal Board, FBISE Chemistry 9 MCQs Tests of 2013 Past Papers are available on this page. There are two Chemistry papers conducted in 2013, the one is taken within Pakistan and the second paper is an overseas paper. MCQs Tests for both papers are given below. Chapter-wise MCQs Tests of Chemistry 9 are available HERE.

Past Paper 2013 (Local)
Practice MCQs Test


Class 9 Chemistry
Past Paper 2013L MCQs
Practice Test

1 / 12

What is the mass of 4 moles of Hydrogen gas?

2 / 12

Which of the following is a covalent compound?

3 / 12

Which of the following atoms obeys Duplet rule?

4 / 12

What is maximum amount of Sodium Acetate that can be dissolved in 100 g of water at 0°C?

5 / 12

How many elements were known by the end of the 18th century?

6 / 12

At Mount Everest, what is the boiling point of water?

7 / 12

Which isotope is used in nuclear reactors?

8 / 12

Which of the following element is most metallic?

9 / 12

If one mole of carbon contains x atoms, then what is the number of atoms contained in 12 g of Mg?

10 / 12

Period number of Phosphorus in Periodic table is:

11 / 12

Value of Plank’s constant is:

12 / 12

Oxidation state of Cr in K2Cr2O7 is:

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Past Paper 2013 (Overseas)
Practice MCQs Test


Class 9 Chemistry
Past Paper 2013O MCQs
Practice Test

1 / 12

In which group of the Periodic table is S present on the basis of electronic configuration?

2 / 12

Vegetable oil is converted into vegetable ghee by passing H2 gas through the oil. In this process which of the following elements is used as a catalyst?

3 / 12

What is the oxidation state of Hydrogen in case of Metallic Hydrides?

4 / 12

Which of the following is Sublime?

5 / 12

Due to high ionization energies, which element do NOT lose electron?

6 / 12

Atomic numbers were discovered by:

7 / 12

Which of the following is a molecular ion?

8 / 12

In Aqua Regia, the ratio between HCl (Conc.) and HNO3 (Conc.) is:

9 / 12

Which of the following is used as cathode in the Down’s cell?

10 / 12

The melting point of Sodium Chloride is:

11 / 12

Which of the following isotopes is used to trace the flow of blood and detect possible constrictions or obstructions in the circulatory system?

12 / 12

Which of the following is Milk of Magnesia?

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