Chemistry 10 Past Papers 2014 MCQs Tests

Federal Board, FBISE Chemistry 10 MCQs Tests of 2014 Past Papers are available on this page. There are two Chemistry papers conducted in 2014, the one is taken within Pakistan and the second paper is an overseas paper. MCQs Tests for both papers are given below. Chapter-wise MCQs Tests of Chemistry 10 are available HERE.

Past Paper 2014 (Local)
Practice MCQs Test


Class 10 Chemistry
Past Paper 2014 (Local)
Practice MCQs Test

1 / 11

What is the percentage of Nitrogen in Ammonium sulphate \({ (NH }_{ 4 })_{ 2 }{ SO }_{ 4 }\)?

2 / 11

Active mass means ____________.

3 / 11

The functional group of Amines is

4 / 11

Which of the following reacts explosively with methane?

5 / 11

What is the particular pH range at which apples grow?

6 / 11

Which of the following acids is found in Butter?

7 / 11

Lowest temperature in stratosphere is:

8 / 11

Which of the following is a water soluble vitamin?

9 / 11

Complete the following reaction:
\(CH\equiv CH+{ H }_{ 2 }\xrightarrow [ Ni ]{ 200-300^{ O }C } \) _____________

10 / 11

Consider the following reaction,
\(H_{ 2 }O+HCl\rightleftharpoons { H }_{ 3 }{ O }^{ + }+{ Cl }^{ - }\) ,
which species is an electron pair acceptor in this reaction?

11 / 11

Which substance is used as antacid and laxative?

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Past Paper 2014 (Overseas)
Practice MCQs Test


Class 10 Chemistry
Past Paper 2014 (Overseas)
Practice MCQs Test

1 / 12

What is the concentration of \({ H }^{ + }\) ion in the milk of magnesia?

2 / 12

Which coloured solution is produced, when Ketones are mixed with alkaline sodium nitro-prusside solution?

3 / 12

What is the percentage of Sodium Chloride in sea-water?

4 / 12

Kwashiorkor is a disease caused by an extreme lack of:

5 / 12

Which of the following catalysts is used to form NH3 gas from Nitrogen & Hydrogen gas?

6 / 12

The temperature inside a green house can be higher than the outside temperature.

7 / 12

PbS is the formula of:

8 / 12

The general formula for Amines is:

9 / 12

Green colour in firework is produced by the use of: (Example 10.4 P-35)

10 / 12

What per cent of alkaline aqueous solution of \(KMnO_{ 4 }\) is used to detect the presence of an Alkene?

11 / 12

Which process produces an Alkane?

12 / 12

Disorders of Red blood cells is caused due to the deficiency of:

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