Biology 9 Chapter 9 MCQs Test 1

In Biology 9 Chapter 9 MCQs Test 1, there are 20 MCQs. We have prepared 41 multiple-choice questions (as per reduced syllabus), which are divided into 2 practice Tests and two Test yourself MCQs Tests. All MCQs are prepared from FBISE Book and Past Papers.

MCQs Test No 1


Class 9 Biology
Chapter 9
MCQs Test No 1

1 / 20

The blood cells which help in blood clotting:

2 / 20

The average number of leukocytes in one cubic millimeter of blood:

3 / 20

Average Number of red blood cells in a cubic millimeter of blood:

4 / 20

Transpiration from plant surface takes place through:

5 / 20

Percentage of plasma in blood:

6 / 20

Average life span of erythrocytes:

7 / 20

Percentage of cells or cell like bodies in blood:

8 / 20

Percentage of water in plasma:

9 / 20

Which of the following prevents blood clotting?

10 / 20

Which one is an agranulocyte?

11 / 20

Average life span of platelets:

12 / 20

The roots and root hairs absorb water from soil by:

13 / 20

Blood clotting protein:

14 / 20

In the embryonic and foetal life, red blood cells are formed in:

15 / 20

Number of thrombocytes (Platelets) in one cubic millimeter of blood is:

16 / 20

The normal PH of Human blood is:

17 / 20

The blood cells which do not contain pigments and are colorless:

18 / 20

When fibrinogen makes blood clot it separates from blood and the remainder is called:

19 / 20

Which cell play role in body's defence?

20 / 20

The average volume of blood in adult human's body is:

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We have also made a test yourself MCQs Test No 1 for you so that you can prepare yourself well.

Test Yourself
MCQs Test No 1


Class 9 Biology
Chapter 9
Test Yourself
MCQs Test No 1

1 / 20

The average volume of blood in adult human's body is:

2 / 20

Which one is an agranulocyte?

3 / 20

The average number of leukocytes in one cubic millimeter of blood:

4 / 20

The blood cells which do not contain pigments and are colorless:

5 / 20

The blood cells which help in blood clotting:

6 / 20

Which of the following prevents blood clotting?

7 / 20

Average life span of platelets:

8 / 20

When fibrinogen makes blood clot it separates from blood and the remainder is called:

9 / 20

Percentage of water in plasma:

10 / 20

In the embryonic and foetal life, red blood cells are formed in:

11 / 20

Which cell play role in body's defence?

12 / 20

Average Number of red blood cells in a cubic millimeter of blood:

13 / 20

Average life span of erythrocytes:

14 / 20

Blood clotting protein:

15 / 20

Transpiration from plant surface takes place through:

16 / 20

The normal PH of Human blood is:

17 / 20

Percentage of plasma in blood:

18 / 20

The roots and root hairs absorb water from soil by:

19 / 20

Number of thrombocytes (Platelets) in one cubic millimeter of blood is:

20 / 20

Percentage of cells or cell like bodies in blood:

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You can attempt more Biology 9 MCQs Tests at our Class 9 Biology MCQs Test Page.

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