Computer Science 9 Chapter 1 MCQs Test 1

FBISE Computer Science 9 Chapter 1 MCQs Test 1. Just do the practice as many times as you can so that you get 100% marks.

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CS 9 Chapter 1 MCQs Test 1


Class 9 Computer
Chapter 1
Practice MCQs Test No 1

1 / 18

Third generation computers used:

2 / 18

First generation computers used:

3 / 18

Which one of them is not a non-impact printer?

4 / 18

The period of the third generation computers was from:

5 / 18

Which is the correct association between a computer hardware component and a computer function?

6 / 18

The period of the first generation computers was from:

7 / 18

An alternative of mouse present in laptop computers is:

8 / 18

The processor which can perform all the operations and calculations is called:

9 / 18

The period of the fourth generation computers is from:

10 / 18

A light-sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text, or other printed images into digital form is:

11 / 18

The period of the second generation computers was from:

12 / 18

Which software is given free of cost for an unlimited period of time.

13 / 18

______________ are used for solving complex application such as Global Weather Forecasting.

14 / 18

Which of the following is not a type of computer on the basis of operation?

15 / 18

Which of the following is known as main memory or primary memory of computer?

16 / 18

Fourth generation computers use:

17 / 18

Second generation computers used:

18 / 18

The old name of International Business Machines (IBM) was:

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