Biology 10 Chapter 11 Challenge MCQs Test

In Biology 10 Chapter 11 Challenge MCQs Test, there are 58 MCQs. This test contains all the Chapter 11 MCQs of practice tests. So just do the practice of all the 5 MCQs Tests then come to do this test. All these MCQ tests are for Federal Board students.

Biology 10 Chapter 11 Challenge MCQs Test

Challenge MCQs Test


Class 10 Biology
Chapter 11
Full Chapter Challenge Test

1 / 58

A method for removal of kidney stone is:

2 / 58

Rubber plant produces:

3 / 58

The category of the plants that has adaptations of small and thick leaves to limit water loss is called:

4 / 58

The 'Nephrons' are mainly made of:

5 / 58

Which is the correct order for the path taken by urine after it leaves the kidneys?

6 / 58

Arterial blood dialysis Is also called:

7 / 58

Normal pH of blood is maintained at:

8 / 58

%age of Potassium ions in urine is:

9 / 58

The depression near the centre of concave area of kidney is called:

10 / 58

Which one Is not the part of kidney?

11 / 58

What waste products are excreted by kidneys?

12 / 58

Guttation occurs in:

13 / 58

Resins are removed by:

14 / 58

Uric acid is removed by:

15 / 58

Broad leaves are found in:

16 / 58

Calcium oxalate is deposited in the form of crystals in the leaves and stems of:

17 / 58

The human urinary system consists of:

18 / 58

Water is transported by:

19 / 58

What is produced during respiration?

20 / 58

Body balance of water, salts, temperature and glucose Is termed as:

21 / 58

The typical volume of urine produced by an average adult per day is:

22 / 58

Organs which work for homeostatis are:

23 / 58

The name of the common mineral salt present In sweat is ________________

24 / 58

Which of the following are not filtered through glomerular capillaries:

25 / 58

During peritoneal dialysis, the waste materials move from:

26 / 58

Average life for a donated kidney is:

27 / 58

The tube between kidney and urinary bladder is the:

28 / 58

Succulent organs are found in:

29 / 58

The length of each Kidney is:

30 / 58

%age of water In Urine is:

31 / 58

Secretions secreted by conifers are called:

32 / 58

The plants which live in sea water and are adapted to salty environments are called:

33 / 58

In animals, the excretion of \({ CO }_{ 2 }\) takes place by:

34 / 58

Hypotonic urine it formed when water In body fluid is:

35 / 58

Which encloses glomerulus?

36 / 58

Mucilage is secreted in:

37 / 58

A method for removing stones in which non-electrical shock watts are bombarded on stones is called:

38 / 58

The loss of water in the form of drops from lips of leaf is called:

39 / 58

U-shaped part of renal tubule is called:

40 / 58

Which would NOT be present in the filtrate entering the Bowman's capsule of nephron?

41 / 58

Who wrote an encyclopedia "Al Tasrif?

42 / 58

In plants the excess water is removed by:

43 / 58

Metabolic wastes are eliminated by:

44 / 58

The two main functions of sweat are;

45 / 58

What is the function of the ureter?

46 / 58

Amount of urea in normal chemical composition of urea in urine is:

47 / 58

By drinking plenty of water how many stones can be avoided?

48 / 58

Which Is not the function of kidney?

49 / 58

Cacti are examples of:

50 / 58

Keekar produces:

51 / 58

Which organ is responsible for filtering the blood?

52 / 58

Which creates an Insulating blanket of warm air?

53 / 58

Despite eating a meal rich in carbohydrates, the blood glucose level remains about:

54 / 58

In kidney the formation of urine ocean In ___________ steps?

55 / 58

Approximate weight of a Kidney is:

56 / 58

Which is done at home?

57 / 58

Core temperature of human body remains at about:

58 / 58

Excretion is also a process of:

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  1. What’s that !!!!
    There is a cross on every question and this web not told me about which if this answer is correct and which is wrong???????

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