Biology 9 Chapter 1 Practice Test 1

Biology 9 Chapter 1 Practice Test 1

Biology 9 Chapter 1 Practice Test 1


Class 9 Biology
Chapter 1
Branches of Biology
MCQs Practice Test No 1

1 / 12

The study of the structures of living organisms:

2 / 12

The study of parasites is done in:

3 / 12

The microscopic study of tissues is done in:

4 / 12

The study of the naming and classification of organisms into groups and subgroups:

5 / 12

The study of Insects is called:

6 / 12

If a scientist is studying drugs and their effects on the systems of body, which branch of biology may this be?

7 / 12

The study of the structure of internal organs is:

8 / 12

The study of inheritance is called:

9 / 12

It is the study of fossils, which are the remains of extinct organisms. Paleontologists study the age and structure of fossils and on this basis study the process of evolution is called:

10 / 12

The study of the functions of living organisms and their parts called:

11 / 12

If a scientist is studying the methods of inserting human insulin gene in bacteria, which branch of biology may this be:

12 / 12

The branch that deals with the study of the interactions between the organisms and their environment is:

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  1. Thank you so much for the quick quiz this helped me in my exams may Allah bless you and your all dream come true ❤️

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