Chemistry 10 Past Papers 2019 MCQs Tests

Federal Board, FBISE Chemistry 10 MCQs Tests of 2019 Past Papers are available on this page. There are two Chemistry papers conducted in 2019, the one is taken within Pakistan and the second paper is an overseas paper. MCQs Tests for both papers are given below. Chapter-wise MCQs Tests of Chemistry 10 are available HERE.

Past Paper 2019 (Local)
Practice MCQs Test


Class 10 Chemistry
Past Paper 2019 (Local)
Practice MCQs Test

1 / 12

Raffinose produces ______ units of simple sugars when hydrolyzed.

2 / 12

What are the units of Kc for
\( { N }_{ 2(g) }+{ O }_{ 2(g) }\rightleftharpoons 2{ N }{ O }_{ 2(g) } \)?

3 / 12

Each DNA nucleotide consists of:

4 / 12

Fehling’s solution is used to determine the presence of:

5 / 12

Which of the following is an aldehyde?

6 / 12

Chemical formula of ammonium carbamate is:

7 / 12

Which of the following is a Lewis acid?

8 / 12

The substance which fight against diseases in living organisms are:

9 / 12

Which of the following process is reduction in nature?

10 / 12

What will happen if \([O{ H }^{ - }]\) increases?

11 / 12

Permanent hardness of water can be removed by:

12 / 12

Identify molecule produced when electrical discharges pass through oxygen in air:

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Past Paper 2019 (Overseas)
Practice MCQs Test


Class 10 Chemistry
Past Paper 2019 (Overseas)
Practice MCQs Test

1 / 12

The word vitamin was first used by:

2 / 12

Baeyer’s test is used to detect the presence of:

3 / 12

Percentage of nitrogen in urea is:

4 / 12

Halite is an ore of:

5 / 12

The volumetric ratio between hydrogen and oxygen in water is:

6 / 12

A drain cleaner contains 1.0 × \({ 10 }^{ -8 }\)M, \({ OH }^{ - }\) concentration, this solution is:

7 / 12

Which compound has two halogen atoms on adjacent carbon atoms?

8 / 12

The linkage which joins two amino acids is called:

9 / 12

In the given reaction which species is donating an electron pair?
\({ NH }_{ 3 }+{ BF }_{ 3 }\rightarrow { H }_{ 3 }N-{ BF }_{ 3 }\)

10 / 12

For which reaction Kc has NO units?

11 / 12

Formic acid contains _______ functional group.

12 / 12

Identify the compound responsible for acid rain:

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