Physics 10 Past Papers 2016 MCQs Tests

Federal Board, FBISE Physics 10 MCQs Tests of 2016 Past Papers are available on this page. There are three Physics papers conducted in 2016, the one is taken within Pakistan and the second paper is an overseas paper and the third one is Supplemanetary Paper. MCQs Tests for both papers are given below. Chapter-wise MCQs Tests of Physics 10 are available HERE.

Past Paper 2016 (Local)
Practice MCQs Test


Class 10 Physics
Past Paper 2016 (Local)
Practice MCQs Test

1 / 12

The unit of e.m.f in SI system is volt, which is equal to:

2 / 12

In case of OR and AND operation, if switches S1 and S2 both are open then the lamp is:

3 / 12

During fission of 1 kg of uranium-235 _______ energy is released.

4 / 12

When we double the voltage in a simple circuit, we double the:

5 / 12

Cell phone network system consists of:

6 / 12

Capacitance is defined as:

7 / 12

When uranium (92 protons) ejects a beta particle, how many protons will be in the remaining nucleus?

8 / 12

How many times speed of sound is greater in water than air?

9 / 12

What does the term e-mail stand for?

10 / 12

In case of vibratory motion, time period is reciprocal of the:

11 / 12

In concave mirror, which surface is reflecting?

12 / 12

Endoscope which is used to diagnose bladder is called:

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Past Paper 2016 (Overseas)
Practice MCQs Test


Class 10 Physics
Past Paper 2016 (Overseas)
Practice MCQs Test

1 / 12

NOT Gate is also called:

2 / 12

Total force on the armature can be increased by increasing:

3 / 12

Five joules of work is needed to shift 5C of charge from one place to another. The potential difference between the places is:

4 / 12

CD (Compact Disk) can store computer data:

5 / 12

The turn ratio of a transformer is 10. It means:

6 / 12

Which one is incorrect when three capacitors are connected in parallel?

7 / 12

The screen of a cathode-ray oscilloscope consists of a thin layer of:

8 / 12

The half life of a certain isotope is 1 day. What is the quantity of isotope after 2 days?

9 / 12

What is the power of a lamp connected to a 12V source when it carries 2.5 A current?

10 / 12

Speed of light in water is approximately:

11 / 12

Image formed by a camera is:

12 / 12

If speed of sound is 340 \(ms^{-1}\) at normal temperature in air we can hear the echo after:

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Past Paper 2016 (Supp)
Practice MCQs Test


Class 10 Physics
Past Paper 2016 Supp
Practice MCQs Test

1 / 12

In vacuum, all electromagnetic waves have the same:

2 / 12

When a ball is gently displaced from the centre of a bowl, it starts oscillating about the centre due to:

3 / 12

Waves transfer:

4 / 12

Three resistors of 2Ω each, connected in parallel are equivalent to a resistance of:

5 / 12

The most suitable means of continuous communication between an orbiting satellite and Earth is:

6 / 12

Astronauts communicate to each other by radio links because sound wave:

7 / 12

The intensity level of faintest audible sound in decibel is:

8 / 12

The equivalent capacitance of series capacitors is ________ the capacitance of any individual capacitor in the combination.

9 / 12

The pendulum clock was invented by:

10 / 12

The output of a NAND gate is zero when:

11 / 12

An object is 14 cm in front of a convex mirror. The image is 5.8 cm behind the mirror. What is the focal length of the mirror?

12 / 12

A step-up transformer:

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