Mathematics 10 Past Papers 2016 MCQs Tests Federal Board

Mathematics 10 Past Papers 2016 MCQs Tests

Federal Board, FBISE Mathematics 10 MCQs Tests of 2016 Past Papers are available on this page. There are three Mathematics papers conducted in 2016, the one is taken within Pakistan and the second paper is an overseas paper and the third one is a Supplementary Paper. MCQs Tests for both papers are given below. Chapter-wise MCQs Tests of Mathematics 10 are available HERE.

Past Paper 2016 (Local)
Practice MCQs Test


Class 10 Mathematics
Past Paper 2016 (Local)
Practice MCQs Test

1 / 15

If A⊆B then A∩B is equal to:

2 / 15

If α,β are the roots of the equation px²+qx+r=0, then sum of roots 2α and 2β is:

3 / 15

Radii of a circle are:

4 / 15

If b-4ac>0 , but not a perfect square then roots of ax²+bx+c=0 are:

5 / 15

If a/b=c/d then Componendo property is:

6 / 15

If number of elements in set A is ‘3’ and in set B is ‘2’, then number of binary relations in A×B is:

7 / 15

cosec² θ - cot² θ = ?

8 / 15

Sum of the deviation of variable X from its mean is always:

9 / 15

Two tangents drawn to a circle from a point outside it are of _______ length.

10 / 15

Two linear factors of x²-15x+56 are:

11 / 15

Angle inscribed in a semi-circle is:

12 / 15

The most frequent occurring observation in a data set is called:

13 / 15

Partial fraction of (x-2)/((x+1)(x²+2)) are of the form:

14 / 15

In a continued proportion a∶b∷b∶c, , ‘c’ is said to be _______ proportional to a and b.

15 / 15

If an arc of a circle subtends a central angle of 60°, then the corresponding chord of the arc will make the central angle of:

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Past Paper 2016 (Overseas)
Practice MCQs Test


Class 10 Mathematics
Past Paper 2016 (Overseas)
Practice MCQs Test

1 / 15

If a∶b=x∶y , then alternando property is:

2 / 15

Mean is affected by change in:

3 / 15

(2x+1)/((x+1)(x-1)) is:

4 / 15

The product of cube roots of unity is:

5 / 15

The nature of roots of equation ax²+bx+c=0, is determined by:

6 / 15

A line which has two points in common with a circle is called:

7 / 15

Locus of a point in a plane equidistant from a fixed point is called:

8 / 15

The mean of the squared deviations x_i observations from their arithmetic mean is called:

9 / 15

3π/4 radians is equal to:

10 / 15

The third proportional of x² and y² is:

11 / 15

If the two circles touch externally, then the distance between their centres is equal to:

12 / 15

If A and B are disjoint sets, then A∪B is equal to:

13 / 15

Point (-1 ,4) lies in the quadrant:

14 / 15

The solution set of 4x²-16=0 is:

15 / 15

The arcs opposite to incongruent central angles of a circle are always:

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Past Paper 2016 (Supp)
Practice MCQs Test


Class 10 Mathematics
Past Paper 2016 (Supp)
Practice MCQs Test

1 / 15

Radii of a circle are:

2 / 15

The extent of variation between two extreme observations of a data set is measured by:

3 / 15

If A⊆B then A-B is equal to:

4 / 15

Partial fraction of (x²+1)/((x+1)(x-1)) are of the form:

5 / 15

Standard form of quadratic equation is:

6 / 15

Tangents drawn at the end points of the diameter of a circle are:

7 / 15

A circle passes through the vertices of a right angled triangle ABC with mAC=3cm ,mBC=4cm and m∠C=90°. Radius of the circle is:

8 / 15

The product of cube roots of unity is:

9 / 15

If u/v=v/w= k, then:

10 / 15

3π/4 radians is equal to:

11 / 15

The most frequent occurring observation in a data set is called:

12 / 15

The semi circumference and the diameter of a circle both subtend a central angle of:

13 / 15

The nature of roots of the equation ax²+bx+c=0 is determined by:

14 / 15

A line which has only one point in common with a circle is called:

15 / 15

The circle passing through the vertices of a triangle is known as:

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