Class 9 Chemistry Past Papers MCQs Grand Practice Test

Class 9 Chemistry Past Papers MCQs Grand Practice Test


Class 9 Chemistry
Past Papers MCQs
Grand Practice Test 1

1 / 60

An aqueous solution can dissolve 25 g of a solid at 25°C. If someone dissolves 20g of this solid in water at 25°C then this solution will be called:

2 / 60

The electronic configuration “1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2” belongs to:

3 / 60

Which of the following is the reaction taking place at anode?

4 / 60

Keeping in view Auf Bau Principle, identify the energy level which the elements fill first.

5 / 60

The melting point and boiling point of water are higher due to:

6 / 60

A compound with chemical formula BaSX4 has a formula mass of 233 amu. The atomic mass of the element X is:

7 / 60

Which of the following oxides is the most basic oxide?

8 / 60

In the formation of AlF3, how many electron(s) are lost by an Aluminum atom?

9 / 60

Which of the following elements in the given reaction is reduced?
ZnO + H2  →  Zn + H2O

10 / 60

0.25 moles of SO2 will contain:

11 / 60

A solution of NaOH has a concentration of 4g/ dm3. What is the mass of NaOH contained in 250 cm3 of this solution?

12 / 60

Which of the following is a defect of Rutherford atomic model?

13 / 60

Consider the following reaction:
CuO + H2  →  Cu + H2O
In this reaction CuO behaves as:

14 / 60

Which of the following is the opposite of melting?

15 / 60

What is the reducing agent in the following reaction?
CuO + H2 →  Cu + H2O

16 / 60

The covalent bond is formed by:

17 / 60

Identify the element which has the largest atomic radius.

18 / 60

The period number of Phosphorus is:

19 / 60

The bond which is formed by complete transfer of electrons from one atom to another is called:

20 / 60

In which group are halogen elements present?

21 / 60

The oxidation state of Hydrogen in metal hydride is?

22 / 60

In NaCl cubic crystal each Cl-1 ion is surrounded by ______ Na+ ions.

23 / 60

The direct conversion of a solid into vapours is called:

24 / 60

Identify the number of electrons that the f-subshell can accommodate.

25 / 60

If molar mass of a compound is 90 g/mole, the number of its moles containing 3.011×1023 molecules will be:

26 / 60

Galvanizing is:

27 / 60

The volume of a 0.5 M solution of hydrochloric acid containing its 2 moles is:

28 / 60

Which of the following oxides is amphoteric oxide?

29 / 60

The equation V/T = Constant is the mathematical expression of:

30 / 60

Which of the following elements has greater shielding effect?

31 / 60

A chemist dissolves 15g of NaCl in 85g of H2O. This solution is:

32 / 60

Identify the covalent compound.

33 / 60

Which one of the following elements belongs to Group III-A of the periodic table?

34 / 60

‘M’ shell of an atom has the following sub-shells:

35 / 60

What is the mass of FOUR moles of Hydrogen (H2) gas?

36 / 60

The oxidation state of B in H3BO3 is:

37 / 60

In which of the following processes speed of particles decrease?

38 / 60

Which of the following is the correct empirical formula of C6H4O(NO2)3?

39 / 60

Bromine has a melting point of – 7°C and a boiling point of 59°C. What is the physical state of Bromine at 100°C?

40 / 60

If you move from left to right in a period of periodic table, which of the following will NOT change?

41 / 60

A liquid boils when its vapour pressure becomes equal to:

42 / 60

The empirical formula for caffeine (C8H10N4O2) is:

43 / 60

Galvanizing is:

44 / 60

Which of the element of the 3rd period has highest electronegativity?

45 / 60

A solution contains 0.05 moles of KMnO4 in 600 cm3 of solution. The morality of this solution is:

46 / 60

How many atoms are there in 1.25 moles of Zinc?

47 / 60

The correct electronic configuration of Mg is:

48 / 60

M shell has subshells:

49 / 60

Acetone melts at – 94°C and boils at 56°C. What is the physical state of Acetone at 25°C and 1 atm?

50 / 60

How many moles of Na atoms are present in 2.3 g of Na?

51 / 60

Which of the following ions, Chlorine cannot oxidize?

52 / 60

A compound with chemical formula Na2CX3 has formula mass 106 amu. What is the atomic mass of the element X? [Atomic Masses: C=12, Na=23]

53 / 60

Which of the following molecules has triple covalent bond between its atoms?

54 / 60

Identify the metal used as a catalyst in contact process:

55 / 60

A liquid boils when its vapour pressure becomes equal to:

56 / 60

The aqueous solutions of ionic compounds conduct electricity due to:

57 / 60

How many atoms are there in 0.1 moles of Carbon?

58 / 60

Gain of electrons and loss of oxygen is called:

59 / 60

A 100 gram solution contains 25 grams of a solute. This solution will be called:

60 / 60

Which of the following property of halogens is maximum among the members of their period?

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Class 9 Chemistry
Past Papers MCQs
Grand Practice Test 2

1 / 60

Which of the following elements belongs to group VIII A?

2 / 60

Consider the following table:


Which of the following relationship does this table represent?

3 / 60

Mention the amphoteric oxide out of given oxides.

4 / 60

Which of the following ions burns with brick red flame?

5 / 60

In which of the following changes the nitrogen atom is reduced?

6 / 60

If the temperature of 30 dm3 gas is increased from 273K to 546K the volume of it will become:

7 / 60

Which one of the following compounds is not having an ionic bond?

8 / 60

The electronic configuration of an element is 1s2, 2s2. An atom of this element will form an ion that will have a charge:

9 / 60

The escape of molecules of a gas through a small hole one after the other is called:

10 / 60

Which one of the following molecules has a non-polar covalent bond?

11 / 60

Rutherford used ________ particles in his experiment.

12 / 60

How many molecules are present in 0.5 moles of Benzene (C6H6)?

13 / 60

Electronic configuration of an element is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3. In which of the following groups it will be placed?

14 / 60

Water boils at ______ in a pressure cooker.

15 / 60

The tendency of a metal to lose electrons is called:

16 / 60

Which quantity is same for one mole of Hydrogen gas and one mole of water?

17 / 60

Which of the following does not involve electrolytic process?

18 / 60

A student mixed a solute in a solvent and made a mixture. After 15 minutes, he/she observed that solute has settled down. He/she will call this mixture as:

19 / 60

The oxidation number of Cr in Cr2O3 and K2Cr2O7 are:

20 / 60

Which is the property of crystalline solid?

21 / 60

Which of the following molecules obey the duplet rule?

22 / 60

Which of the following is the most basic oxide?

23 / 60

Which of the following solids is amorphous?

24 / 60

Which of the following quantities are the same for one mole of hydrogen gas and one mole of water?

25 / 60

Which of the following groups contain alkaline earth metals?

26 / 60

Which of the following substance has an ionic bond?

27 / 60

The bond formed between atoms due to transfer of electrons from one atom to another is called:

28 / 60

Which metal is used to make filaments of electric bulb?

29 / 60

Which of the following is the Empirical formula of Benzene?

30 / 60

Fermentation of cane sugar produces ______ v/v of ethyl alcohol called rectified spirit.

31 / 60

The oxidation number of Boron B. in H3BO3 is:

32 / 60

Which term is same for one mole of oxygen gas and one mole of water?

33 / 60

Which one of the following sub shell is filled after filling of 3p sub shell?

34 / 60

A liquid boils when its vapour pressure becomes equal to:

35 / 60

Particles size of colloids vary from:

36 / 60

Which one is heterogeneous mixture?

37 / 60

Galvanizing is:

38 / 60

Alloy are an example of:

39 / 60

H2S + Cl2   →   2HCl + S
In above reaction H2S behaves as:

40 / 60

How many atoms are there in 28 g of N2 gas?

41 / 60

The number of neutrons in an atom 23M11 is:

42 / 60

Which of the following atoms obeys the duplet rule?

43 / 60

A liquid boils when its vapour pressure becomes equal to:

44 / 60

Which of the following elements has a greater shielding effect?

45 / 60

In which of the following processes the speed of the particles decreases?

46 / 60

An electrochemical cell in which electrical energy is used to derive a chemical reaction is called:

47 / 60

Which of the following metals is the least reactive metal?

48 / 60

The Oxidation number of ‘N’ in HNO3 is:

49 / 60

If one mole of ‘Na’ contains ‘x’ atoms of Sodium, what is the number of atoms contained in 46g of Sodium?

50 / 60

Chloride ion can not oxidize ______ ion.

51 / 60

What is the mass of Carbon present in 44 g of Carbon dioxide?

52 / 60

Which element is reduced in the given redox reaction?
ZnO + H2  →  Zn + H2O

53 / 60

Which of the following is not the unit of pressure?

54 / 60

Which of the following molecules have a triple covalent bond?

55 / 60

Which of the following elements will gain one electron to complete its octet?

56 / 60

The number of neutrons in 27M13 is:

57 / 60

In which of the following changes the nitrogen atom is reduced?

58 / 60

The atomic radius of an atom _________ as one move from top to bottom in a group of periodic table.

59 / 60

Which of the following elements belongs to VIII-A group?

60 / 60

Melting point of Sodium is:

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Class 9 Chemistry
Past Papers MCQs
Grand Practice Test 3

1 / 67

Which of the following is a covalent compound?

2 / 67

Which substance is NOT covalent?

3 / 67

Which of the following elements has greater shielding effect?

4 / 67

What is the mass of 4 moles of Hydrogen gas?

5 / 67

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the formation of Na2S?

6 / 67

Due to high ionization energies, which element do NOT lose electron?

7 / 67

Value of Plank’s constant is:

8 / 67

At Mount Everest, what is the boiling point of water?

9 / 67

In which group of the Periodic table is S present on the basis of electronic configuration?

10 / 67

When Arshad dissolves 28 g of KOH in one dm3 of water. Its molarity will be:

11 / 67

Which of the following solutions is more dilute?

12 / 67

Which one of the following substances is not a sublimate?

13 / 67

The electron affinity increases from left to right along a period due to:

14 / 67

In chromium plating the H2SO4 is added to Cr2(SO4)3 in order to:

15 / 67

How many moles of molecules are there in 16 g of Oxygen gas?

16 / 67

NaCl forms a colorless cubic crystal. Which of the following has also the same cubic crystal as NaCl crystal?

17 / 67

How many elements were known by the end of the 18th century?

18 / 67

In Aqua Regia, the ratio between HCl (Conc.) and HNO3 (Conc.) is:

19 / 67

Which substance does not have an ionic bond?

20 / 67

The number of moles in 46 g of Sodium (Na) will be?

21 / 67

What is the mass of Carbon present in 44 g of CO2?

22 / 67

Consider the following table:


Which of the following relationship does this table represent?

23 / 67

Oxidation state/number of ‘Cr’ in K2Cr2O7 is:

24 / 67

Which one is the correct electronic configuration according to Auf Bau Principle?

25 / 67

Which of the following is Milk of Magnesia?

26 / 67

A compound with chemical formula Na2CX3 has formula mass 106 amu. Atomic mass of the element X is _______.

27 / 67

Consider the given reaction:
H2S + Cl2   →  2 HCl + S
In the above reaction, H2S behaves as a/an ________.

28 / 67

Valence shell electronic configuration of an element M (Atomic No 14) is:

29 / 67

Galvanizing is coating with _________.

30 / 67

A liquid boils when its vapour pressure is __________.

31 / 67

In chrome plating, the compound used as an electrolyte is:

32 / 67

Relationship “PV=Constant” represents:

33 / 67

Oxidation state of Cr in K2Cr2O7 is:

34 / 67

If one mole of carbon contains x atoms, then what is the number of atoms contained in 12 g of Mg?

35 / 67

Which of the following is a molecular ion?

36 / 67

Which of the following element is most metallic?

37 / 67

How many moles of molecules are there in 16 g Oxygen?

38 / 67

Vegetable oil is converted into vegetable ghee by passing H2 gas through the oil. In this process which of the following elements is used as a catalyst?

39 / 67

‘V ∝  T’ Relationship represents:

40 / 67

The melting point of Sodium Chloride is:

41 / 67

The electronic configuration of an element is 1s2, 2s2. An atom of this element will form an ion that will have ______ charge.

42 / 67

What is maximum amount of Sodium Acetate that can be dissolved in 100 g of water at 0°C?

43 / 67

The correct electronic configuration of an atom having atomic number ‘13’ is:

44 / 67

Which of the following elements in the given reaction is reduced?
ZnO + H2  →   Zn + H2O

45 / 67

The increase in ionization energy from left to right in a period is due to:

46 / 67

Which of the following sub-shells can accommodate 6 electrons?

47 / 67

Which of the following is an amphoteric oxide?

48 / 67

A solution of NaOH has a concentration of 4g/ dm3. What is the mass of NaOH contained in 250 cm3 of this solution?

49 / 67

A solution of NaOH contains 30 g of this compound in 1.5 dm3 of solution. What is the Molarity of this solution?

50 / 67

Silicon belongs to group IV A. It has _______ electrons in the valence shell.

51 / 67

Which of the following is Sublime?

52 / 67

Oxidation number of Mn is KMnO4 is:

53 / 67

What is the oxidation state of Hydrogen in case of Metallic Hydrides?

54 / 67

Al2O3 is an example of ________ oxide.

55 / 67

In the formation of AlF3, Al atom loses _________ electrons.

56 / 67

Rutherford used _____________ particles in his experiment.

57 / 67

M shell has _____ subshells.

58 / 67

Number of neutrons in 27M13  is ________.

59 / 67

The number of moles in 54 g of water will be:

60 / 67

Period number of Phosphorus in Periodic table is:

61 / 67

SO2 is ___________ oxide.

62 / 67

The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called:

63 / 67

Which one of the following obeys Duplet rule?

64 / 67

Atomic numbers were discovered by:

65 / 67

Which of the following atoms obeys Duplet rule?

66 / 67

What is the formula mass of CuSO4.5H2O?
(Cu=63.5, H=1, O=16, S=32)

67 / 67

Which of the following substance is sublimate?

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