Class 12 Physics Model Paper 3 MCQs Test

FBISE Federal Board Class 12 Physics Model Paper 3 MCQs Test. Do as much practice as you can so that you get good marks in the final exams.

Class 12 Physics Model Paper 3 MCQs Test


Class 12 Physics
Model Paper 3
Practice MCQs Test

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1. The shortest wavelength radiation series in Lyman Series have a wavelength equal to:

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2. A steady current is passing through a coil, the magnitude of self-induced emf in it will be:

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3. Magnetic flux will be maximum when:

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4. Three capacitors of 4μF each are connected in such a way that the net capacitance of their combination is 6μF. It is possible if:

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5. The slope of I-V graph of a resistor is numerically equal to:

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6. A proton is moving along the axis of a solenoid carrying a current. The magnetic force on the proton will be:

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7. The peak value of A.C source is 20 A, its rms value will be:

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8. The type of spectra produced by atoms is:

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9. The rest mass of photon is:

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10. At high frequency in a capacitive circuit, the current will be:

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11. The maximum kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons, from different metal surfaces, depends upon:

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12. The temperature below which the resistivity of a superconductor falls to zero is called:

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13. Two charges q1 and q2 are placed in vacuum at a distance d and the force between them is F. If a medium of relative permittivity 4 is introduced between them then new force will be:

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14. Which one of the following is correct for an open circuit?

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15. The materials in which disordered structure of liquid is frozen are:

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16. The half-life of a radioactive element which has only 1/32 of its original mass left after elapse of 60 days is:

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17. In a half wave rectifier, the diode conducts:

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