Class 12 Physics Model Paper 1 MCQs Test

FBISE Federal Board Class 12 Physics Model Paper 1 MCQs Test. Do as much practice as you can so that you get good marks in the final exams.

Class 12 Physics Model Paper 1 MCQs Test


Class 12 Physics
Model Paper 1
Practice MCQs Test

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1. The materials whose resistivity become zero below a certain temperature (critical temperature Tc) are called:

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2. The phase relationship between alternating voltage (V) and alternating current (I) through an inductor is:

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3. The electrical energy converted into heat energy is given by the expression:

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4. If speed ‘v’ of an observer is added to the speed of light ‘c’, the resultant speed will be equal to:

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5. The current through a circuit, in which emf of a cell ε = 120V and internal resistance r = 0.01Ω is connected with load R= 1000Ω, is:

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6. The amount of energy equivalent to 1 a.m.u. is:

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7. How much charge passes in 2 minutes through a junction which has a steady current of 5A?

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8. The unit “henry” is used for:

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9. Strong nuclear force exists between:

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10. The conductivity of good conductors is:

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11. The S.I unit of Magnetic flux is:

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12. One meter long rod is moving at 300 through a magnetic field of 1T. If the velocity of the rod in the magnetic field is 1ms-1 then induced emf across the rod will be:

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13. A straight current-carrying conductor experiences maximum magnetic force in a uniform magnetic field when it is placed _________ to the field.

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14. Find the electric potential (in volts) at the center of the line joining the two charges +5μC and -5μC. The charges are placed at a distance of 10cm.

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15. Electromagnetic radiations transport energy equal to:

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16. How many electrons on a body will be established by a charge of one coulomb?

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17. A capacitor acts like a perfect insulator for:

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