Class 12 Pak Studies Model Paper 3 MCQs Test

FBISE Federal Board Class 12 Pak Studies Model Paper 3 MCQs Test. Do as much practice as you can so that you get good marks in the final exams.

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Class 12 Pak Studies Model Paper 3 MCQs Test


Class 12 Pak Studies
Model Paper 3
Practice MCQs Test

1 / 10

1. In which district, Rohtas Fort is located?

2 / 10

2. Who is considered as the first Punjabi Poet?

3 / 10

3. When did Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) perform his Hajj?

4 / 10

4. Urdu-Hindi controversy first time started in 1867 at:

5 / 10

5. Princely State Junagadh was located on ______ coast.

6 / 10

6. Seventh 5 years economic plan was introduced in:

7 / 10

7. Wakhan corridor separates Pakistan from:

8 / 10

8. How many alphabets are there in Pushto?

9 / 10

9. The first country which recognized Pakistan in 1947 was:

10 / 10

10. Who holds office of President in the absence of President of Pakistan?

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