Chemistry 9 Chapter 5 MCQs Tests

In this post, we have prepared 2 MCQs tests of Federal Board Chemistry 9 Chapter 5 MCQs Tests. For more Class 9 Chemistry MCQs Tests visit this page.

Chemistry 9 Chapter 5 MCQs Tests

Practice MCQs Test No 1


Class 9 Chemistry
Chapter 5
Practice MCQs Test No 1

1 / 10

Sublimation is usually used to purify _____ state of matter.

2 / 10

Liquids with weak intermolecular forces

3 / 10

By touch, glass imparts a hard appearance but microscopically atoms may be _____ arranged.

4 / 10

Which of the following changes decrease the vapour pressure of water kept in a sealed vessel?

5 / 10

The boiling point of water is 100 °C, where internal vapour pressure becomes equal to atmospheric pressure. What is that atmospheric pressure?

6 / 10

_____ phase of physical states that can never be achieved in sublimation process.

7 / 10

Melting points of amorphous solid will be in _____.

8 / 10

Water bubbles arising in the beaker provided with the temperature of 100 °C  is an example of _____.

9 / 10

As pressure decreases, boiling point ___

10 / 10

Evaporation causes _____ effect ,due to this effect water is contained in the pitcher.

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Practice MCQs Test No 2


Class 9 Chemistry
Chapter 5
Practice MCQs Test No 2

1 / 10

Amount of vapour pressure of liquid decreases _______

2 / 10

The particles in ___ are always vibrating, but don't move past each other.

3 / 10

Statement related to process of evaporation that is incorrect is _____.

4 / 10

If surface area of liquid is large then evaporation will be _____.

5 / 10

A person living in hill stations observed that cooking food without using pressure cooker takes more time. The reason for this observation is that at high altitude_____

6 / 10

Melting points of crystalline solids are _____ due to strong intermolecular forces existing .

7 / 10

Which figure has a repetitive pattern in its structure?

Class9 Chemistry Ch5

8 / 10

When the atmospheric pressure equals the equilibrium vapor pressure ___ occurs.

9 / 10

________ is usually used to purify liquids.

10 / 10

Identify the figure (a) and ( b)

Class9 Chemistry Ch5 2

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