Biology 9 Chapter 8 MCQs Test 3

In Biology 9 Chapter 8 MCQs Test 3, there are 16 MCQs. We have prepared 49 multiple-choice questions (as per reduced syllabus), which are divided into 3 practice Tests. All MCQs are prepared from FBISE Book and Past Papers.

MCQs Test No 3


Class 9 Biology
Chapter 8
MCQs Test No 3

1 / 16

The length of jejunum in adult human:

2 / 16

The largest gland of human's body is:

3 / 16

The function of bile is:

4 / 16

The pancreas produces digestive enzymes and releases them into:

5 / 16

A non-functional finger-like process:

6 / 16

Which vitamin is made by bacteria in colon?

7 / 16

Faeces are temporarily stored in:

8 / 16

Which part of gut absorbs water?

9 / 16

Pancreatic juice from pancreas contains enzymes:

10 / 16

Functions of the large intestine include:

11 / 16

In which part of the alimentary canal, the maximum absorption of nutrients occur?

12 / 16

In an adult human, the weight of liver:

13 / 16

Where are villi found?

14 / 16

The part of the large intestine in which maximum absorption of water take place:

15 / 16

The length of ileum in adult human:

16 / 16

The circular folds in the inner wall of ileum have numerous finger-like projections called:

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