Biology 10 Chapter 13 Challenge MCQs Test

In Biology 10 Chapter 13 Challenge MCQs Test, there are 55 MCQs. This test contains all the Chapter 13 MCQs of practice tests. So just do the practice of all the 5 MCQs Tests then come to do this test. All these MCQ tests are for Federal Board students.

Biology 10 Chapter 13 Challenge MCQs Test

Challenge MCQs Test


Class 10 Biology
Chapter 13
Full Chapter Challenge Test

1 / 55

Babies are born with about soft bones.

2 / 55

Place where two or more bones meet at a point is called

3 / 55

Flnd the INCORRECT statement:

4 / 55

What are the main components of a bone?

5 / 55

Which of the following provides main support to our body mass?

6 / 55

The example of slightly moveable Joint is:

7 / 55

Which allows movement In all directions:

8 / 55

Fibrous cartilage is present in:

9 / 55

The muscle of the arm at elbow joint causes straightening of the arm, it Is called:

10 / 55

All these are the parts of axial skeleton of humans except:

11 / 55

______________ prevents dislocation of bones at joints.

12 / 55

Which of the following stores minerals?

13 / 55

Pain and stiffness in weight bearing joints are symptoms of:

14 / 55

The skeletal system outside the body is called;

15 / 55

There are __________ types of joints.

16 / 55

Lacuna Is present In the ______ of cartilage.

17 / 55

___________ is the longest bone In our body.

18 / 55

Pelvic Girdle contains bones:

19 / 55

Blood vesels do not enter:

20 / 55

The disorders in which there is an accumulation of uric acid In joints:

21 / 55

How many bones are present in right hand?

22 / 55

Muscles can only;

23 / 55

When the reproductive cycle stops in female,_______________ hormone is less Produced

24 / 55

How many bones make our skull?

25 / 55

An example of ball and socket joint is:

26 / 55

In gout __________ Is accumulated In immoveable JoInts.

27 / 55

How many ribs are there in man?

28 / 55

What do some bones produce?

29 / 55

Vesalius was born In;

30 / 55

Bone can store;

31 / 55

The purpose of rib cage is to:

32 / 55

Which joints allow no movement?

33 / 55

How would you define skeletal system?

34 / 55

Inflammation of membrane at joints is called;

35 / 55

Cranial bones are;

36 / 55

What is correct about tendons?

37 / 55

How many bones are present in middle ear?

38 / 55

In our body skeleton works very closely with the __________ system

39 / 55

Bones which enclose brain are called;

40 / 55

Find the ball and socket joint;

41 / 55

Vertebral Column consists of following number of bones:

42 / 55

Pair of skeletal muscles are called:

43 / 55

Deposition of uric acid in joints is due to:

44 / 55

Movement of an animal as a whole is:

45 / 55

Which one cannot show movement from one place to an other place?

46 / 55

Which are tough bands?

47 / 55

The bending of arm at elbhow is:

48 / 55

__________ joint move only In one plane.

49 / 55

Disease of bones In which there is a decrease In the density of the bones due to loss of calcium and phosphorus is:

50 / 55

When a muscle contracts, the point of attachment which Is pulled Is called

51 / 55

Fatigue, low grade feser, pain and stiffness In joints are symptoms of:

52 / 55

___________ is the smallest bone In our body.

53 / 55

Osteoporosis is due to deficiency of

54 / 55

Mark the False statement about bones:

55 / 55

Fore limbs are the part of:

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