Biology 10 Chapter 11 MCQs Test 1

In Biology 10 Chapter 11 MCQs Test 1, there are 12 MCQs. A total of 5 MCQs Tests are available from Chapter 11 of FBISE Class 10 Biology Book. We have prepared 58 multiple-choice questions, which are divided into five MCQs Tests.

MCQs Test No 1


Class 10 Biology
Chapter 11
Practice MCQs Test No 1

1 / 12

What waste products are excreted by kidneys?

2 / 12

The tube between kidney and urinary bladder is the:

3 / 12

Core temperature of human body remains at about:

4 / 12

What is the function of the ureter?

5 / 12

During peritoneal dialysis, the waste materials move from:

6 / 12

The two main functions of sweat are;

7 / 12

Which would NOT be present in the filtrate entering the Bowman's capsule of nephron?

8 / 12

Which is the correct order for the path taken by urine after it leaves the kidneys?

9 / 12

The human urinary system consists of:

10 / 12

Body balance of water, salts, temperature and glucose Is termed as:

11 / 12

Calcium oxalate is deposited in the form of crystals in the leaves and stems of:

12 / 12

Which organ is responsible for filtering the blood?

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