Physics 10 Chapter 17 Practice Test 6

FBISE Physics Class 10 Chapter 17 Practice Test 6 contains a total of 11 Multiple Choice Questions, each MCQ has 4 options.

Chapter 17 MCQs Tests | Physics 10 MCQs Tests

Physics 10 Chapter 17 Practice Test 6


Class 10 Physics
Chapter 17
Practice MCQs Test 6

1 / 11

1. Who invent radio?

2 / 11

2. Which of the following are electromagnetic waves?

3 / 11

3. Which waves are the radio waves?

4 / 11

4. What type of software is used for creating letters, papers and other documents?

5 / 11

5. A program which helps to create written document and lets you go back and make corrections as necessary.

6 / 11

6. Tilt process to draw the required line or pictures on a computer screen using, mouse or key board is called

7 / 11

7. What is floppy disk made of?

8 / 11

8. Who transmitted the first radio signal in the air?

9 / 11

9. Storage devices work on what principle?

10 / 11

10. To collect information for a special purpose and to store it in the computer in more than one interlinked files is called

11 / 11

11. The most common form of crime in internet using is?

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