Physics 10 Chapter 14 Practice Tests 2

FBISE Physics Class 10 Chapter 14 Practice Test 2 contains a total of 10 Multiple Choice Questions, each MCQ has 4 options.

Chapter 14 MCQs Tests | Physics 10 MCQs Tests

Physics 10 Chapter 14 Practice Tests 2


Class 10 Physics
Chapter 14
Practice MCQs Test 2

1 / 12

1. The current constituted by negative charges flows from a point of

2 / 12

2. The conventional current of positive charges flows from a point of

3 / 12

3. In electricity, we assume that electric current is always due to the flow of

4 / 12

4. The SI unit of electric current is

5 / 12

5. The direction of the electronic current in the closed circuit is

6 / 12

6. Energy is produced to transfer the electrons from the positive terminal of the battery to the negative terminal by the

7 / 12

7. The equivalent current of positive charges which flows through a conductor is known as

8 / 12

8. The direction of conventional current flowing in a circuit is

9 / 12

9. In liquids and gases, the current is due to the motion of

10 / 12

10. When we connect a battery across a conductor, the energy is provided to the charges in the conductor by the

11 / 12

11. The current due to negative charges and an equivalent current due to positive charges always flow in the

12 / 12

12. Free electrons are

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